My improved Alaska Grow Bucket design seems to be working just fine. I was interested to see if the ventilation holes in the buckets would allow adequate oxygen to reach the root zone. They seem to be working better then expected.
The cucumber that I planted has already outgrown the trellis and is loaded with baby cukes. I may have enough to make a batch of dill pickles.
The rest of the greenhouse tomatoes are outgrowing their space again. I guess it might be time to prune back the tops. The plants are loaded with green tomatoes and some are getting pretty large, but no ripe ones in the greenhouse just yet.
I do have one tomato turning red inside my hoop tunnel. It is a Glacier variety and the other hoop tunnel plants are also loaded with fruit. It looks like a bumper crop if the weather holds out.
The other hoop tunnel veggies are looking good. My Northstar peppers are loaded with fruit - but the California Wonder are not producing as well yet.
Northstar Peppers
We have had several days of rain lately. My green beans are beginning to flower and the mounded rows seem to be working as planned. I should be picking beans in a few weeks. It looks like I should have plenty to freeze and save for next winter.
Root maggots ruined my onions and radish crops and all plants had to be removed and destroyed. I hope that adding the nematodes will clean up any remaining larva before winter. I will not plant onions in the same bed next year and I will be sure to follow the practice of using a Reemay floating row cover to prevent the adult flies from laying eggs in the soil. I replaced my onions with additional lettuce that I started last month in the greenhouse.
I am planning to start some additional lettuce, chard, and kale plants. An insulated cold frame would be nice just to see how well they do in our short cold Alaska Fall weather.